
Wednesday, May 27, 2015


  In our Field: We work hard, we play hard

  My choice is my passion. I choose this passion for I believe this will serve as my path towards success. Since I considered this as my leisure, I made it easy but how long should I have to work hard to measure my ability in the field that I preferred to enter and who I am with along in my wonderful and challenging journey. 
           As I continue my journey as an AB Mass Communication student at JRMSU, Main Campus, I feel the concept of being a learner. To be able to tackle the task given, I follow my will which is to strive harder to be globally competitive in the field of journalism, and everything about it, I make sure that I am on my positive mind set.
         In the institution that we have nothing to ask for, success is not so far from reality for it depends upon on how do we work and play with the challenges that we have to win. We are catered with experts professors and instructors. With the advancement of facilities, we play harder, our mind grow bolder.
         Every clicked that  I've taken, every article that were published  and every events that I have to post in my blog, this were all blended with love and inspiration. Love to do our precious work and inspired by the campus who embraces us and shaped our destiny along with our wonderful tomorrow. 
          This is our field, we work hard for tomorrow!
                                    we play hard to be on the go!


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